Friday, March 19, 2010

Wife Swap..Again

I don't normally watch this show. I prefer to watch cartoons. Yes at 20 years old, I still love cartoons lol. But back to Wife Swap. I am not normally one sided, but the Dusseau family are very close minded and based on looks. The world does not revolve on prissing yourself up every day. The husband does not like fat chicks, which is fine, we all have our standards, but rest assured he probably threatened his wife to lose the baby weight. He thinks it's the woman's job to clean and his kids have this false sense of: If you're not number one then you're nothing. You should be number one to yourself! Not what everyone else thinks of you. I'm just very disappointed that there are people out there like this. Oh! And he said he has only seen his wife without makeup ONCE. And she goes to bed with makeup on! Seriously!!?? He said: If you saw her without makeup you'd know why. I agree I have never seen a pretty girl who wears makeup the majority of the time, so why would you want that? I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting, but someone has to take me as I was born, and I was not born with makeup on. I put it on when I want to but I'm not gonna wake up super early to put that crap on. Gotta be kidding me!