Sunday, September 13, 2009

Caster Semenya: Has the media gone too far?

Take a moment to look at that link.

A young woman who is doing more than most Americans, is devastated. I am hurt FOR her. How can people be so shallow? If she were to see the nasty comments people here in America and beyond have made on her ordeal....I don't know what to say. I am so hurt for her. I do not understand how people think, and as time goes on, I lose my faith in the human race. How can your quick buck be more important to you then someone's well being? Now all of a sudden these people are suddenly feeling "sorry" for what they've done? Right..... All of sudden because she is actually HURT, people CARE NOW!? Bullshit. Fucking. Bullshit. No one THINKS before they act, and yet that's the mantra parents instile in their kid's heads.

This is bullying at its best. This woman is...I just don't even know what she could be thinking. But I think her family, friends, and her whole village are doing a lot more for her emotionally than Americans could have. Imagine if she did live in America. When she went to school...that would be the end of it, especially since the whole world knows now!!!

Good Job Media. You've done what you normally do. Without a care in the world. The media would report this before they reported little girls being kidnapped! Jerks.